
Triathlon Coaching & Online Triathlon Coaching.

Triathlon Coaching Sydney – Castle Hill.

Onebody offers a professional triathlon coaching service for local athletes based in Sydney and online triathlon coaching for our athletes outside of our local Triathlon Squad. Our triathlon coaches are experienced professionals and our triathlon training programs are prepared specifically to you and take into account your lifestyle and your goals. 

We form strong communication relationships with all our coached athletes via phone, skype, email and face to face meetings in our training centre. All our triathlon coaches are qualified, registered and accredited through Triathlon Australia. Each of our coaches are experienced professionals that can deliver training programs that suit your ability and find the balance between technical analysis and personable skills. 

We Cater to all Athletes & Abilities

Beginner Triathletes

Whether you're looking for a new sport or have a background in running, swimming or cycling, we'll help you get started on your Triathlon journey.

Experienced Triathletes

We've coached hundreds of experienced and advanced aged group triathletes to better their performances.

Elite Triathletes

Our experienced and accredited coaches have coached elite triathletes as well as junior elite triathletes to reach their peak potential.

What Your Program Includes

We provide both local triathlon coaching and online triathlon coaching options that include:

Select Your Program.

Online Group Coaching

$ 25
  • All coaching inclusions.
  • Program customised to ability and event.
  • Access to 2 virtual sessions per week.

Online Personalised Coaching

$ 99
  • All coaching Inlcusions
  • Program fully personalised to your lifestyle and goals.
  • Weekly catch ups to analyse your training and drive results.
  • Access to 2 virtual sessions per week.

Local Personalised Coaching

$ 110
  • All Coaching Inclusions
  • Program fully personalised to your lifestyle and goals.
  • Weekly catch ups to analyse your training and drive results.
  • Unlimited access to Onebody Training Sessions including Swim Squad, Brick + More!

Already signed up and ready to get started?

Heres our easy step by step guide on how to set up your trainingpeaks athlete account and make full use of all the coaching features available!

What to expect from your triathlon coach

As an athlete, you can expect your triathlon coach to deliver a training program and training structure that is designed to suit you as an individual and your goals. Our professional coaches will provide you with your daily training sessions and oversee your long term training development.  You can expect your coach to:

  • Prepare your individual session content tailored to your needs
  • Provide you with downloadable training files for your smart trainer (eg TrainerRoad)
  • Provide feedback and analysis of key training sessions
  • Modify your training program when required
  • Analyse your swim / bike  / run videos and prescribe you drills and exercise from our video library to help your technique
  • Assist you to prepare race strategies
  • Analyse and discuss your results following races
  • Recommend and propose race nutrition schedules
  • Provide advice and help plan proposed race schedules for the season
  • Respond to your emails promptly (0-1 working days)
  • Provide basic advice on equipment and products
  • Refer you to recommended health professionals when required

Email Contact
Email is the easiest, quickest and most convenient way to communicate with your coach and it allows them to respond quickly to your questions. You can expect your coach to respond to emails within 0-1 working days. Email is the best way to communicate the majority of your questions and for your coach to provide feedback outside of regular training sessions.

Face to Face Contact
Our triathlon coaches are professionals who are available to chat to you in person about your training and racing.  All you need to do is working out a convenient time and you can chat in person at our training centre. 

Phone Calls / Skype
Your coach will arrange a convenient time to catch up via the phone to discuss your training program and discuss your training and racing progress. Phone calls are best arranged when preparing for major races and to discuss your training progress.

Training Program Modifications
Training programs are prepared once the coach understands the availability of the athlete during a training block. In general, your online training program will be written 2-4 weeks in advance and modifications are only required in the event of injury or illness.

What we expect from you

Our coaches put a lot of time and effort into ensuring that you have the best training programs to support you and reach your goals and your long term potential. For us to provide you with the best coaching service, there are some basic expectations that we have from our athletes. For all our coached athletes, we rely on being provided with regular feedback and updates on your progress. To help your coach being able to monitor and provide you with feedback, please ensure that you regularly:

  • Provide your coach with your availability and work / family commitments prior to their training program being prepared. Please email your coach if your training circumstances change (work hours, holidays etc) and the dates of the races you have booked.
  • Ask your coach if you do not understand any of the session content
  • Upload your training data to TrainingPeaks
  • Write brief training comments after each session in TrainingPeaks

Communication is the key to a good coaching relationship. We expect all our athletes to actively communicate with their coach regularly via face to face, phone and email. The best results are gained when both the coach and athlete work together with the athlete providing regular honest feedback.

Understanding You.

Your coach will arrange a time to contact you before preparing your training program to learn about you, your goals and to help them understand what you need from them in order to improve. Expect to have an initial and honest discussion with your coach that includes your:

  • Training background
  • Racing history
  • Overall racing and training goals
  • Major races and your goals at each race
  • Access to training venues (pools, gyms, running tracks, running trails etc)
  • Access to training equipment  (Stationary wind trainers, power meters, heart rate monitors etc)
  • Strengths in each discipline
  • Weaknesses in each discipline

From there, your coach will start to understand what you need to improve and begin planning an overall program structure to guide you towards your goals.


Training Zones

Training effectively means that you need to understand when your coach wants you to train hard and when your coach wants you to go easy. Your coach will prepare and verify your training zones using a number of methods to ensure that we can accurately tell you how to train efficiently and effectively.

Depending on what data your coach has access to, they may ask you to perform some testing or they may prepare your training zones off recent races or training sessions that can provide them with the data that they need:

  • Recent races that indicate lactate threshold for bike or run
  • A Functional Threshold Test (FTP)
  • Recent time trials for swim, bike or or run that provide objective data for pace and / or heart rate
  • Testing protocols for running heart rate and pacing zones

Your training zones will then be set up for the equipment that you have access to

  • Cycle Power Zones
  • Cyce Heart Rate Zones
  • Run Heart Rate Zones
  • Run Paces
  • Aerobic Swim Zones

Once we have your training zones set up with your TrainingPeaks account, your coach will use this information to help you train effectively and efficiently. As you improve and develop as an athlete, your training zones will be adjusted by your coach to ensure that you continue to train as effectively as possible.

Programs & Sessions.

All our triathlon training programs are individualized to suit you and your goals and delivered using a premium online training account with TrainingPeaks. Each program is individually prepared using your availability and structured around your work, family and life commitments.  The training programs can be accessed, viewed and updated from anywhere that you have an active internet connection. You can even view and analyze your own data on your smartphone within seconds of finishing a training session once data from your devices has been uploaded.

Training Program Structure
Your training program will be planned around your races and goals in a format that is easy to follow and understand. Expect your training program to be populated with individual training sessions several weeks in advance so that you can view what your coach has planned for you.

Individual Training Sessions
The content of each individual training session is descriptive and will outline:

  • Goals and purpose of the session
  • Training zones that you need to work in (Power, Heart Rate, Cadence or Specific Swim & Run Paces)
  • Training intervals and intensity levels
  • Any technical swimming, cycling or running drills that are part of the session

Downloadable Indoor Cycling Training Files
Athletes with a Wahoo Kickr or a Computrainer will benefit from the coach supplying their training files in a downloadable format that they can insert into software such as Trainerroad, Zwift or Perfpro. This is our preferred method for supplying training sessions for indoor cycling sessions and these files will appear in the attachment tab of your TrainingPeaks session plan.

Downloadable Run Training Files
For athletes with compatible Garmin devices, we actively prepare sessions within their Garmin Connect account so that your run training sessions will sync with their device before their session begins. This enables you to go for a run and the watch will let you know exactly when the intervals start and stop. This service is available for athletes on Gold and Platinum accounts.

Athlete Feedback
Our training programs allow the athlete to quickly and briefly provide their coach with feedback following a session. We encourage all our athletes to write simple comments following their sessions so that your coach can help monitor your progress. Your comments might indicate how you felt during the session or they may be used for your coach to understand your training file. For example – “Felt great, that last set was tough” or “Ran out of time and only completed 3 of the 4 sets”.

The format of our training programs allows you to access training information easily and provides your coach with the data that he needs to provide objective feedback

Technique Assessment & Video Feedback

We provide our athletes with continual feedback to to improve their technique biomechanics and efficient. Regardless of whether you are a local athlete that we see regularly in person or an online client, we are able to provide regular feedback to help your technique. 

We can either watch you in person or review a video of you so that we can select the ideal drills or exercises for you to do as part of your training program. This includes

We can send you direct links to the drills and exercises we recommend and also build these into your training session content. This allows you to access and watch the videos at any time so that you can understand each drill and help you implement them. 

The focus on technical improvements in your sessions will improve your biomechanical efficiency and lead to increased performance at racing.

Training File Analysis.

The quality of your training sessions is important to ensure that you achieving the the goal outcome of each session. To monitor the progress and provide you with feedback, your coach will analyse your files using the training zones that are prepared within your online training account.

Each session will have key outcomes that your coach wants you to achieve and we can do this by comparing your data to the zones that we have prepared for you. Many of your sessions will contain training intervals within specific zones and your coach will check these and provide you with feedback.

General Analysis.

Your coach will analyse the quality of your sessions through the use of statistical analysis and provide you with feedback on how to improve the quality of your training session. This information will allow your coach to determine how well the session was performed and importantly, how to improve the quality of future sessions.

Indepth Analysis.

Your coach has a deep understanding of how to analyse files and will go beyond looking at the overall numbers for analysis. They do this to understand your individual behaviour and identify key areas that you can improve on. Feedback may include:

  • Improving power output when cycling on undulating terrain and hills
  • Improving gear selection when cycling and cornering
  • Improving cadence and minimising free wheeling
  • Minimising power spikes when time trialliing
  • Pacing appropriately on the bike to run well off the bike
  • Running at the appropriate pace or time interval to achieve a heart rate training zone
  • Running at the appropriate pace for undulating terrain
  • Swimming at the appropriate pace for endurance swimming

Our online triathlon coaches have an excellent understanding of how to analyse information and provide feedback to help you improve your training and racing behaviour. Your coach will go well beyond basic analysis and provide you with useful information that will improve the way that you train and race.