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Why you need an online triathlon coach that understands data analysis

Many online triathlon coaches will analyse data and provide feedback on the average numbers that appear on their trainingpeaks portal. But how many online triathlon coaches truly understand what the information means and more importantly – how many can use it to help you improve your training quality, training behaviour and your race results?


Busselton Ironman and 70.3 Training and Racing

The Busselton Ironman and 70.3 are iconic long course triathlon races in an absolutely stunning location Currently there are 6 months to the race in December, a great time frame to plan and prepare for the event, to work on your swim technique to become a more efficient swimmer, bike endurance and cycling run efficiency

The importance of hip mobility for your bike fit position

Hip stability and maintaining a fluid range of motion around the hip region are important to maximize power production when cycling and to prevent cycling based injuries. A bike fit position that is too aggressive or a saddle that does not allow the correct pelvic orientation may result in significant losses of power production that inhibit performance and create discomfort or injury.

How to Reduce Lower Back and Neck Discomfort when Cycling

The most common reason that we see retul bike fit clients is due to lower back pain or upper neck pain discomfort when cycling. There may be many underlying causes for the discomfort but most can be alleviated or resolved completely if you can achieve a bike position with a relatively neutral spinal position. This is most commonly achieved through selecting the right saddle.

How to ride lower and longer with the right saddle

We commonly see bike fit clients that struggle to fit on standard geometry frames because their current bike position has them riding with a significant number of spacers and a stem with a positive angle. For many clients, the reason that they need to sit so upright on a bike has nothing to do with the frame – it’s due to their saddle selection.